
What is Trauma?

Trauma refers to an emotional response to an overwhelming event or experience that exceeds an individual's ability to cope. It can be caused by a single incident or a series of events that are perceived as highly distressing, threatening, or harmful.  

Trauma can have a significant impact on an individual's psychological, emotional, and physical well-being. It can disrupt one's sense of safety, trust, and overall worldview. It may result in a variety of symptoms, including those related to post-traumatic stress, anxiety, depression, dissociation, and difficulties in relationships and daily functioning.

Trauma refers to an emotional response to an overwhelming event or experience that exceeds an individual's ability to cope. It can be caused by a single incident or a series of events that are perceived as highly distressing, threatening, or harmful. It's important to remember that individuals may respond to and experience trauma differently. Not everyone who experiences a traumatic event will develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), but they may still be affected by the event and require support to heal and recover.

What can a traumatic event be?

Please Note: All traumatic events can be personally experienced, witnessed, or stories heard from others (vicarious trauma).

Children who experience ongoing physical, emotional, or sexual abuse, as well as neglect or chronic maltreatment, can suffer from repeated trauma.

This can involve any form of physical or sexual violence, assault, or exploitation during childhood and/or adulthood. Can include domestic violence with an intimate partner.

Trauma can result from being involved in or witnessing a severe accident, a natural disaster like an earthquake or hurricane, or a life-threatening event.

People residing in or escaping from war-torn regions may be subjected to continuous exposure to traumatic events, such as bombings, violence, displacement, or loss of loved ones.

Military personnel exposed to combat situations or war zones may experience trauma due to the intensity and danger of their experiences.Content

Trauma can arise from a life-threatening illness, a severe medical procedure, or a prolonged hospitalization.

Traumatic events can include experiences such as being a victim of or witnessing violence, assault, robbery, or witnessing a crime. Living in environments with high levels of violence, crime, or community unrest can result in ongoing trauma.

The death of a loved one, particularly if it is sudden, violent, or unexpected, can cause trauma.

There are various modalities to treat trauma. At Heal and Restore Therapy, an integration of modalities can be used to help you heal. We believe in connecting your mind to your body, as we often leave our bodies out of the equation when we are trying to heal (we will try to rationalize that it’s over, but our bodies haven’t caught up yet). At Heal and Restore Therapy, we practice:


Somatic Experiencing

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